Belmont University
August 7, 2020

Belmont University
Nashville, TN. USA
At a Glance
• 2x 22’W x 8’H OES Video Display
6mm pitch
• 5x 10’ LED Scoring Tables, 50’ Total
6mm pitch
• 2x 2’8”W x 2’8”H Shot Clocks
• ISC9000
• Bolt Live
• Graphics Package
We have had OES scoreboards and video boards in our Curb Arena since 2017. OES has outstanding equipment and competitive prices. Their customer service is outstanding. Over the years, our only scoreboard issues have been damaged control units from wear and tear. When there are video board software issues, the OES tech support staff have been fantastic. We are looking at purchasing new scoreboards for some of our other athletic venues in the near future and OES is definitely in the mix. Dave and Clyde have become my friends from the north….and promptly respond to my calls or emails when they are needed.
Any Venue. Any Sport. Any Time.
Want “WOW” factor scoring & timing solutions in your venue?